Hey, I'm Thomas! 👋
I sold a web2 fintech company as a technical founder. Now I build & ship web2/web3/AI products
I write smart contracts in Solidity 🏗, mobile apps in React Native (Expo) 📱, and frontends using React/Ethers ⚛
I usually handle backend stuff in Firebase 🔥, and am loving diving into the emerging world of LLM's & Langchain 🔗
I build out my own ideas and also projects for clients when I vibe with the concept
🚀 My Career in a Glance
Here's a real quick one-pager of what I've done over the last 10 years in the dev world!
Wanna work together? 🤝 Drop me a mail: twilkinson573@gmail.com / Telegram: @tw573